Can I Do It?

Can I Do It?

I’ve tried blogging a few times and have always dropped off at some point. I typically start overdoing it and adding lots of pictures and links until it is overwhelming. This time I may take some advice from Seth Godin and keep it simple and all text, at least for now. This space could grow and change over time but I’d like to see it continue to share my thoughts, share my growth as a musician,  artist, and businessman, and hopefully share some insights that may help you.

Can I do it? I should be able to. I ramble on enough that I should be able to type a few words a day about what I’m thinking. Plus, I have always had the belief that hosting your content on your own page creates something tangible that can last. You never know with posts to social media if they will be seen or if the platform will even be there years from now. So I say cheers to doing it, whatever it is you want to do. Give it a try, maybe you CAN do it!